Otto Skoran MD
Graduated from Semmelweis University as a Medical Doctor in 1993; researcher and physician at the National Institute of Cardiology, Budapest for 6 years and received here his internal medicine board certification; fellowship worker at University of Parma in 1996; founder and manager of the Goodwill Research Ltd., a company with main focus on pharmaceutical and clinical research, from 1998 for more than 10 years; co-founder and later executive director of the reorganized Svábhegy Pediatric Hospital, co-founder and director of Auxiliis Clinical Development Ltd, co-founder of Medicines for Children Research Network Hungary.

Hajnalka Szabo MD
Graduated from Semmelweis University as a Medical Doctor in 1990, physician at the Department of Paediatrics of University of Szeged for 20 years. She received her PhD degree here in 2010, her pediatrician, pediatric pulmonologist and neonatologist board certifications at the University of Szeged. She has been the representative of the hungarian pediatric pulmonologists in the International Advisory Board of Congresson International Pediatric Pulmonology since 2010. She has been working as the Head of Pediatric Department of „Szent György” University Teaching Hospital of Country Fejér since March of 2017. She joined the team of pulmonologists of Svábhegyi Children’s Clinic three years ago.

Miklos Garami MD
Has over 20 years of experience of running clinical trials in the field of pediatric oncology; has M.D., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Semmelweis University (Budapest, Hungary); a board certified pediatrician, clinical oncologist and hematologist. Currently, he is the deputy chairman of the 2nd Department of Pediatrics (main Centre of the Hungarian Pediatric Oncology Network). He spent a three years postdoctoral (American Heart Association, AHA) fellowship at University of California at San Francisco.

Anna Altmann MD
Graduated from Semmelweis University as Medical Doctor in 1986; received her pediatric board certification in 1992; certified pediatric neurologist since 1994. She has extended experience with check up, treatment, care of epileptic children; as certified clinical pharmacologist (University of Debrecen, 2010) run several pediatric clinical trials.

Edit Muhari-Stark MD
Graduated from Semmelweis University, Budapest as a Medical Doctor in 2005; completed 4 years of paediatric and neonatology specialist training in the United Kingdom (Leeds, London); worked as a medical assessor at the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Paediatric Unit from 2009 to 2013; spent three months as a research fellow at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Washington DC and recently graduated from the Global Research in Paediatrics (GRiP) ‘MSc in Paediatric Medicines Development and Evaluation’ program from the University of Rome Tor Vergata. She is a member of the MCRN Hungary board since 2014.